New website feature for Patrons


Given my recent issues with Dropbox, I migrated all my music to a new hosting system.

This new hosting service also makes use of Moulinette for authenticating patrons in my website and so I was able to add a new feature:

From now on you can browse my music packs from and simply click the “Patreon download” button. 

By doing that, and if you’re logged in to Patreon, you’ll be able to instantly start downloading the music pack in zip format.

I hope you find the new feature useful, please let me know if you do. 

My plans for the upcoming months include making it possible for patrons to download individual songs directly from my website in the same manner and vastly improving the song browsing experience on my website.

Again, all of your feedback and ideas would be helpful to add new features to the song index, so don’t hesitate to post any thoughts here or on Discord.

