Vampires Album Released And More News


Hey everyone! Thanks to your support the Vampires album is finally out in the open. You can listen to it on Bandcamp, Spotify, and all major music stores.

Vampires | Ivan Duch (
Spotify – Vampires

In other news, I continue to work on my new album, I think it’s going to be titled Breathe, and will be a collection of ambiance songs inspired by nature places, streams, rivers, mountains, etc.

The particularity of this upcoming album is that I’ll be going back to my roots and adding lots of classical guitar to it and vocals, along with lots of folk instruments.

In a flavor reminiscent of my Viking music album. I hope you enjoy it when it’s out. I’ll be publishing the first song in the upcoming weeks.

This particular album is going to be longer and more elaborate, hence I’ll be publishing fewer songs, but hopefully, it will be a quality over quantity equation and for the better.

Thanks as always,
