Weekly Update: Sauria Upcoming Movie, Shepherds of Haven and The Cimmerian


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Hey everyone, it’s Ivan here!

I wanted to give you a quick update on what I’ve been up to lately and Sauria’s soundtrack.

First, I just finished scoring the first version of the new Sauria movie. David Armsby’s talent is truly awe-inspiring, and working on this project was both challenging and incredibly rewarding. The depth and artistry of his work are remarkable, and I can’t wait for fans to see the film when it’s released. Even though I was behind the scenes with the music and I found myself watching the movie over and over again I enjoyed it every time.

It’s definitely a challenging soundtrack, and I explored many different directions while writing it. Ultimately, it was an honor to collaborate with David Armsby on both Sauria movies. The bulk of the soundtrack is already written, produced, mixed, and mastered, but I might revisit it for some further revisions.

Another project keeping me busy is a video game soundtrack that’s currently under NDA. I can’t reveal much about it, but it’s a massive and rewarding project. It’s been challenging, with plenty of revisions and taking longer than anticipated. This means I’ve had to put my Sonic Adventure project, Cimmerian, on hold since then.

Now, I’m faced with a decision: should I focus on Cimmerian or Shepherds of Haven Volume 2? Shepherds of Haven Volume 2 will likely be around 14 orchestral songs with some folk elements, and I think you’ll love it. I’m also working on the soundtrack for Lena Nguyen‘s video game, which looks and sounds amazing. The story has me hooked already, and I’m excited to see what she does with this new direction. The OST might be released around mid-February, and I’ll let you know if I can release the soundtrack songs as they’re finished.

Once that’s done, I’ll prioritize finishing Cimmerian. I have many sketches for it, and I’m eager to dive back in. After that, I might return to Tribes, an album I’ve been working on for a while. I took a break to explore different directions and wasn’t satisfied with where it was heading, but I have some fresh ideas I’m excited to try.

Finally, there’s some big news about a new album I’ll be working on, but I can’t share the details just yet. When I have confirmation, I’ll be sure to let you know!

Thanks for your support, trust, and for listening to my music. I’m excited to share new releases with you soon. Until then, thank you, and bye!