Announcing New Project: A Collaborative Journey for Game Masters and Creators
NewsI’m thrilled to share some exciting news about a new project I’ve been developing: after the release of Rise of the Runelords, I’ll be launching a series tentatively called Musical Tool Kits. These will be collaborative 5-song albums tailored specifically to the needs of creators and Game Masters, with input from my longtime supporters.
For the first pilot project, I’m working with my good friend Rob, a brilliant Dungeon Master and a passionate D&D enthusiast. He’s been a supporter for quite some time, and I can’t wait to see how our collaboration unfolds. Rob’s experience and creative insight will help shape this first Musical Tool Kit into something unique, designed with Dungeon Masters in mind.
Once Rob’s project is complete, I’ll be hosting a draw to select another longtime Patreon supporter to collaborate with on the next album. This is my way of giving back to the amazing community that has been by my side for years, making the experience more interactive and personalized.
Stay tuned for more updates and details as we get closer to launching this exciting new venture!
Thank you all for your incredible support!