Epic D&D Session Soundtrack: A Collection of Spotify Playlists for Every Adventure


Hey there, fellow dice rollers!

Dive into the ultimate collection of Spotify D&D playlists, crafted to enhance every moment of your campaign. Whether you\’re battling fierce dragons, exploring ancient ruins, or relaxing in a bustling tavern, these playlists have you covered. From my own compositions to a wealth of tracks from talented composers, discover the perfect soundtrack for your next D&D session.

Discover the best Spotify D&D playlists for every scenario. From dark dungeons to serene forests, each playlist is designed to immerse you in your adventure. Below are some of the most popular D&D music playlists available on Spotify.


  • Mystery: Unravel enigmatic melodies and cryptic riddles, perfect for mysteries in your adventures.


  • Sad Piano: Delicate and heartfelt harmonies for poignant moments of vulnerability and reflection in your campaign.
  • Farewell to a Hero: Honor the fallen with somber melodies and poignant harmonies perfect for remembering brave heroes.
  • Melancholy: Immerse yourself in the tender embrace of sadness and melancholy with this evocative playlist.


  • Desert: Evocative tunes for your journey through sun-scorched sands and ancient ruins.
  • Underwater Adventure: Aquatic tunes guiding you through mystic realms and encounters with sea creatures. Dive in and explore!
  • Feywild: Melodies capturing the ethereal and magical essence of the Feywild.
  • Tundra: Embark on a frosty adventure with this hand-picked Tundra playlist.
  • Forest: Wander through the enchanting realms of the Forests playlist.
  • Dungeon: Venture into the shadowy depths with this Dungeons playlist.
  • The Mountains: Explore the rugged world of the mountains with my D&D playlist.
  • Jungle Chronicles: Immerse yourself in the wild and untamed world of jungle adventures.
  • Town Music: Discover the charm of the Small Towns playlist.
  • A Day in the Market: Capture the vibrant energy of lively bazaars.
  • Exploring Nature: Embark on a journey through nature’s splendor.


  • Dark Fantasy: Sinister melodies for adventures that delve into forbidden magic and cursed lands.
  • Vampires: Haunting harmonies for adventures featuring the enigmatic children of the night.
  • Viking Music: Summon the warrior spirit with this Vikings and Norse playlist.
  • Pirates: Set sail for high seas adventure with this Pirates playlist.
  • The Wheel of Time Music: Enter the epic world of the Wheel of Time playlist, inspired by Robert Jordan’s legendary saga.
  • Lovecraftian Horror: Unsettling tunes for D&D adventures that explore the unknown and confront cosmic horrors.


  • Stream-Friendly Music for Twitch: Worry-free, copyright-safe tunes to energize your streaming sessions.
  • Peaceful Fantasy Reading: Soothing music perfect for reading, writing, and relaxation.
  • Traveling: Embark on an epic journey with uplifting melodies and adventurous harmonies.
  • Combat: Ignite the flames of battle with the Combat playlist.
  • Action: Unleash the adrenaline rush of the Action Scenes playlist.

For more DnD music resources check out my Fantasy Music Browser