Important Details
- Under no circumstance are you allowed to redistribute the music as your own, claiming you made it.
- You can’t re-distribute the music as stand-alone music videos or songs in any format or distribution channel. You can’t upload my music to Spotify for instance nor to YouTube as a music video.
- You can’t upload my music to any music stores or music distributors, even as background music. Doing such a thing could create DMCA problems for you.
- The music can’t be redistributed as audio files (MP3s, WAV, OGG, Foundry Modules, etc). Meaning, it has to be part of content where the music is inserted into it. Some examples are videos, streams, podcasts, or video games where the players can’t download the music separately.
If in doubt about any aspect of my licensing reach out to me via the contact form or on Discord.
You may not under any circumstance or license claim the music as your own or anyone else.
If using music for online content, (i.e. YouTube videos, animation, short films, commercials, etc) they can be downloaded for free as long as proper credit/attribution is possible.
If proper attribution/credit is not possible, contact me.
What is proper attribution?
Proper attribution means a field in your content description where you can paste the following information (i.e. description of your YouTube video):
Music: [Name of the song] by Ivan Duch (
Basically, all you have to do is to paste this line into your project description
Be sure to catch the hyperlink to this website, so that people can access it easily. Always credit the composer properly! This especially goes for royalty-free music sites with much traffic. All content online with my music in it should contain proper links to this website unless it’s paid for.
Paid License (Premium Content)
Some of my content can be used under a premium license. Such is the case for my commissions or the music I release exclusively for some Patreon’s Tiers or for my paid music packs.
Commercial use is also allowed (of course).
You can mix, edit, cut, and trim the piece without restraints.
The only thing you are not allowed to do is to re-distribute the music as your own, claiming you made it. Or as stand-alone music. It needs to be part of a product, stream, project, etc. Such products can’t distribute the music in mp3 or as stand-alone audio files, meaning that if it’s part of a video game, players shouldn’t be able to download the music separately in any format.
If in doubt, please reach out to me via my contact form.
For this license, no attribution is required for the content you release but only in circumstances where the attribution is hard to do, like a live podcast, live event, etc. If in doubt please reach out to me and let me know. If you purchased the music pack you can always avoid attribution if it’s hard to do.
Patreon License
From Tier World’s Hero and above No attribution is required for the content you release during your subscription to my Patreon, but only in circumstances where the attribution is hard to do, like a live podcast, live event, etc. If in doubt please reach out to me and let me know.
If you terminate your subscription to my Patreon you can no longer publish new content using my music. It doesn’t matter if you already downloaded it.