Royalty Free Adventure Music

Expand your audio library with my high-quality fantasy music.

Get started with my FREE Collection

Get my Lifetime Bundle at a discount price.

Adventure Background Music

Hey there! Are you looking for some epic adventure background music to make your projects stand out?

You’re in the right place. Whether you’re working on a video game, a film, or a YouTube video, the right background music can make all the difference. My collection of royalty free adventure music has got you covered for any scenario, from heart-pounding chases to peaceful, serene landscapes.

Adventure Music

Adventure music is all about capturing the spirit of exploration and excitement. My adventure music tracks are designed to inspire and energize, providing a soundtrack for your creative projects. Whether you need an adventure music instrumental to add depth to your scenes or want to find the perfect adventure music download for immediate use, you’ll find what you need right here.

Royalty Free Adventure Music

Using royalty free adventure music means you can use these tracks in your projects without worrying about licensing fees. It’s a cost-effective solution for content creators, filmmakers, and game developers. My free collection includes a wide variety of styles and moods, ensuring you can find the perfect track for your needs.

Dive into my adventure stock music for high-quality, ready-to-use tracks that can elevate any project.

Music is a powerful tool that can transform the atmosphere of any scene. With my collection of free adventure music, you can add a professional touch to your projects without breaking the bank. These tracks are perfect for various uses, from background music for videos to soundtracks for games.

Every track in my collection is crafted with care. Whether you’re looking for a specific mood or just browsing for inspiration, you’ll find a wide range of options catering to different tastes and requirements. From orchestral pieces to modern synth-driven tracks, my adventure music library has something for everyone.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your projects with high-quality, royalty free adventure music. Subscribe to my Newsletter to stay updated on new releases and get access to my FREE collection.

For those looking to expand their audio library further, check out my Lifetime Bundle available at a discounted price. This comprehensive collection includes all my latest releases and exclusive content that you won’t find anywhere else.

Thank you so much for stopping by. I truly hope my music helps you bring your creative visions to life. If you have any questions or need assistance finding the right track, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Happy creating!

Royalty Free Fantasy Music

Frequently Asked Questions

I offer an ever growing selection of royalty free fantasy music. Please read the following before downloading it:

I love what you do. Is there any way to contribute?
Of course! I'm a full time composer, and I recognize it can be difficult to make a living out of it at times, specially releasing so much music for free. So any sort support you can give is always welcome. You can also support me on Patreon and Ko-fi.
Is it totally free?
Yep, it's totally free if the song is tagged as free and as long as you credit me. Check out the license info page for more details on proper attribution. If you can't credit me for any reason you'll need subscribe to my Patreon or pay a one-time license, contact me if that's the case. If you feel like your project can afford paying for music, please consider supporting me on Patreon or Ko-fi.
What are Stems?
Stems are included for my Patron's exclusive content. Ever wanted to remove an instrument you don't like from a song? You can do that with audio stems. The stems are audio files for the specific instrument families (woodwinds, brass, etc) in the songs. You can mix our tracks the way you need them. For instance, you might only need the percussion for a specific scene.
What is Royalty Free Music?
Royalty free music means that you get a license to use a piece of music, not repeatedly on a per-use basis. Normally such licenses are paid but as long as you credit me properly you can use it for free.
What sort of music rights do I get?
By downloading my free songs you become the owner of a non-exclusive license. Such license does not include releasing and distributing my music as stand-alone tracks or albums . And also means I can keep on distributing the songs to other content creators to use in their projects.
Do you offer Exclusive Licenses or other sort of music rights?
If you're in need of exclusive and original music for your project check out my commisions page, I also write original music for media and video games. The terms of the contract can be arranged in different ways, depending on your project's needs.
Do I have to give credit when using your songs?
Yes. Attribution is strictly required for the free license. Patrons on the $10 and above, and those who buy special licenses for the songs (contact me if you need any) can use it without attribution in those cases where proper attribution is not possible. To learn more about the proper attribution check out this page.
Can you give me a written license?
Yes. You can find the written license here. In the unlikely case that someone would falsely claim my songs as their own you will have the license to properly dispute it. Check out my copyright page if you want to learn more about copyright strikes.


I also write custom adventure music . Check my commissions page.

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