Shepherds of Haven Vol. 2 Arrives

News Projects

The saga reaches its climax! I’m thrilled to announce the release of Shepherds of Haven Vol. 2, the final chapter in the thrilling orchestral soundtrack for Lena Nguyen’s captivating dark fantasy game.

For those unfamiliar with this incredible world, Shepherds of Haven is a deep narrative experience. You, the player, take on the mantle of a Mage recruit with extraordinary powers. As you navigate a world teeming with political intrigue, oppressive regimes, and demonic forces, your choices will determine the fate of this realm.

A Collaboration Steeped in Emotion

Working with the visionary Lena Nguyen has been a true honor. Her masterfully crafted universe, where Mages, Elves, Hunters, and Norms clash amidst complex social and political landscapes, provided fertile ground for the music to flourish.

Ready to Dive In?

Shepherds of Haven Vol. 2 is now available for your listening pleasure on Spotify, Bandcamp, and my store!

Let the music transport you back to the world of Shepherds of Haven. Experience the thrilling conclusion, and share your thoughts on the soundtrack in the comments below!

Additionally, if you haven’t explored Shepherds of Haven yet, I highly recommend checking out the game’s website.