The Soundtrack Journey for Shepherds of Haven by Lena Nguyen

News Projects

Hey everyone, Ivan here! I’m incredibly excited to share that this month, I’m putting my heart and soul into finishing the soundtrack for a phenomenal game called “Shepherds of Haven,” created by the incredibly talented Lena Nguyen.

Why You Should Care?

If you’re into immersive, dark fantasy worlds teeming with elements of choice and destiny, freedom, and oppression, then this game is just the treat for you. Lena has artfully crafted a universe where Mages, Ket, Elves, Hunters, and Norms battle through layers of political and social intricacies. There’s a whole lot going on—from dealing with oppressive regimes to fighting off dark, demonic forces. Want to dive deeper? Check out the game’s website here and Lena’s personal website here.

How Can You Support?

Feel like you want to be part of this exciting journey? Awesome! You can directly support the game’s development on their Patreon.

Why This Matters To Me (And You!)

Lena has generously decided to share the soundtrack with my community. If you’re one of my patrons, this means you’ll have access to all the songs! We’re talking over 40 minutes of orchestral music and around 26 songs, each one carefully crafted to elevate the gaming experience. My aim is to get them all released this month, which also means that some of my other projects will be on standby for a bit.

What To Expect From the Soundtrack?

The soundtrack is designed to resonate with the game’s complex themes. From matters of destiny versus free will to the battle of light against darkness, every note will be imbued with meaning and emotion. And the orchestral nature of the music will add grandeur to every twist and turn of the game’s plot.

A Few Words About the Game

Shepherds of Haven” is no whimsical fairytale. At its core, it’s a dark fantasy police procedural, with heavy undertones that touch upon discrimination, oppression, political intrigue, and ultimately culminates in an all-out war. You, the player, assume the role of Brightburner, a Mage recruit with mysterious powers—leaving you to decide whether you will be the savior of this world or its ultimate downfall.

So that’s what I’m up to these days! Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on this one. Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for your incredible support!

Best, Ivan 🎶